
Sapir Whorf Hypothesis

Sapir Whorf Hypothesis

Let’s explore the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis‌. We will also review the examples, evolution, and essential aspects of the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis. Sapir Whorf Hypothesis sounds like a complex concept best left for discussion among academics. People interested in language...
The Complete Guide on Dual Citizenship UK

The Complete Guide on Dual Citizenship UK

Do you want to learn more about Dual Citizenship UK? Your head must be spinning with questions right now. The choice to apply to become a British citizen is significant, but did you realise that you may have more than one choice? Different countries have different...
An Introduction to Esperanto

An Introduction to Esperanto

International languages One of the great utopian dreams of the 1800s and early 1900s was that of a single unified language, one which would reduce international conflict and facilitate shared trade and understanding among all the peoples of the world. It was an idea...
How Many Words do Eskimos Have for ‘Snow’?

How Many Words do Eskimos Have for ‘Snow’?

It’s one of those things people like to say. Eskimos have… 100 words for snow. 200. It’s because they’re surrounded by the stuff. How sweet! But what is the real answer? In fact, it’s hard to know where to begin with such a flawed premise. The word ‘Eskimo’ doesn’t...