
Why Do Some Languages Have Tones?

Why Do Some Languages Have Tones?

As English speakers it’s hard to understand how other languages can rely so much on tones. We are more than versed in tonal intonation – the way a speaker can use stress or pitch to imply emotion – in fact our rich sarcastic sense of humour makes us masters of it....
How Many Words do Eskimos Have for ‘Snow’?

How Many Words do Eskimos Have for ‘Snow’?

It’s one of those things people like to say. Eskimos have… 100 words for snow. 200. It’s because they’re surrounded by the stuff. How sweet! But what is the real answer? In fact, it’s hard to know where to begin with such a flawed premise. The word ‘Eskimo’ doesn’t...
Why is Leicester Spelled ‘Leicester’?

Why is Leicester Spelled ‘Leicester’?

In this blog we will discuss about the Leicester Pronunciation. We will also explore other interesting aspects related with it, like why Leicester spelled Leicester.   Imagine the confusion as stories were published worldwide about little old Leicester City Football...